Em cena do filme, Samuel e a Luz, um garotinho branco de cabelos castanhos e blusa de manga comprida azul segura uma vela em meio a panelas na cozinha.

Mostra Brasil

New Directors Competition

Samuel And The Light

Samuel e a Luz

Brazil, France 2023 Documentary Cor 70 min.

Samuel lives in Ponta Negra, a small village on the coast of Paraty, Brazil. At first the idyllic daily life following the rhythm of nature and the development of the kid’s identity set the tone of the film. We go along with the boy and his family for six years. Little by little emerges a more complex reality and its contradictions, between modernity and tradition, nature and technology. The arrival of electricity and tourism in the village crystallizes the deconstruction of an idealized paradise, drawing a portrait of contemporary Brazil. Presented at the Visions du Réel film festival.

Brazil France documentary international festivals maturing nature technology identity day by day


Vinícius Girnys


Vinícius Girnys


Pedro Cortese, Chico Bahia, Olívia Pedroso, Vinícius Girnys


Tom Laterza, Vinícius Girnys, Gabriela Baraúna


Fernando Pereira dos Santos

desenho de som

Daniel Turini, Henrique Chiurciu, Matéo Russon


Philippe Aussel, Fernando Pereira dos Santos

produzido por

Le-Lokal Production, Sendero Films


[email protected]

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