
Whisky (2003)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

At 60, Jacobo Köller lives alone. Since his mother died, all he’s got left is a modest sock factory in the Uruguayan capital city. But his tedious days are counted. After 20 years away from Montevideo, Jacobo’s younger brother announces an unexpected visit. Herman is married, has two daughters and owns a prosperous sock and stocking factory in Brazil. Driven by the competition that has always existed between the two brothers, Jacobo seeks help from Martha, his long-term and most trusted employee with whom he maintains a relationship impregnated with silence, routine and secret fantasies. Martha’s mission is to pretend to be Jacobo’s wife until his brother leaves. From then on, the film’s tone oscillates from fable to melancholia and through minor details and trivialities, the three characters reveal themselves to be completely different in their attempt to hide their feelings and resentments.

Título original: Whisky

Ano: 2003

Duração: 95 minutos

País: Uruguay

Cor: Colorido


Roteiro: Gonzalo Delgado Galiana, Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll

Fotografia: Bárbara Álvarez

Elenco: Andrés Pazos, Mirella Pascual, Jorge Bolani, Daniel Hendler, Ana Katz, Verónica Perrota, Jorge Temponi, Alfonso Tort e Ignacio Mendy.

Produtor: Fernando Epstein

Edições: 28, 28