
Czech Dream (2005)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

Alienated consumerism and the power of manipulation on the part of the media are central to this manipulating documentary. In five years, 125 hypermarkets were constructed in the Czech Republic and the population of the former socialist country have developed a taste for consumerism - a drastic change for a population that, a few years previously, would sleep in line to buy a few staples. In a critical tone, the film launches a campaign for a huge new fictitious supermarket that promises the best products and prices, for a better life.

Título original: Cesky Sen

Ano: 2005

Duração: 90 minutos

País: Czech Republic

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Vit Klusak, Filip Remunda

Fotografia: Vit Klusák

Produtor: Vit Klusak, Filip Remunda

Edições: 29, 29