
La Dignidad de Los Nadies (2005)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

In sequence to reflections on Argentina begun as from his former document, Social Genocide (28th Mostra), Argentine director Fernando Solanas turns his cameras on the popular revolt of December 2001 that culminated with president Fernando De La Rua?s resigning. The consequences of this rebellion are analyzed, from the performance of President Kirchner?s government down to today. The film focuses on small instances of solidarity, narrated by the protagonists themselves, rebuilding their hopes as from collective and self-management projects.

Título original: La Dignidad de Los Nadies

Ano: 2005

Duração: 120 minutos

País: Argentina, Brazil

Cor: color

Direção: Fernando E. Solanas

Roteiro: Fernando Solanas

Fotografia: Fernando Solanas

Produtor: Fernando Solanas

Edições: 29