
The Battleship Potemkin (1925)

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The Russian classic The Battleship Potemkin (1925) by Sergei Eisenstein, has been restored and, for the first time includes scenes that were censored and Leon Trotski?s opening address, suppressed under the Josef Stalin government. The task of restoring the film took two years and was completed at the British Cinema Institute and by Russian and German entities. Corrections were also made to the famous sequence of the great stairway at the port of Odessa where the slaughter of the mutineers took place, also targeted by Russian censorship at the time the film was released. The film was made to order to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Russian Revolution and focuses on the mutiny of the sailors in 1905, when they rebelled against the tyranny of their captain and assumed control of the battleship Potemkin. The trigger factor for the mutiny was the fact the sailors were given rotten meat. Many refused to eat, and the officers on board decided to execute the rebels. The situation was then out of control. Moments before the firing squad takes action, a sailor shouts to the soldiers in the firing squad asking them to reflect and decide whether they are on the side of the officers or with the sailors. The soldiers hesitate and lower their rifles. Beside himself with rage, an officer attempts to seize one of the rifles and sets off a rebellion on board ship, which is the start to a great tragedy. The version restored with music (1926) by Edmund Meisel for the version in German, with adaptation and orchestration (2005) by Helmut Imig. The 2005 restoration under the direction of Enno Patalas with the collaboration of Anna Bohn, in a project under initiative of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes with the collaboration of the Goethe Institute, Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin, the British Film Institute, London, the Filmmuseum, Munich, and the Gosfilmofond of Russia, Moscow, under the general direction of the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek - Filmmuseum Berlin. Orquestra Jazz Sinfônica The Jazz Sinfônica orchestra is providing the accompaniment to the restored version of The Battleship Potemkin - a classic from 1925, directed by Sergei Eisenstein - on invitation of the 29th Mostra, with a live performance of the music by Edmund Meisel, especially composed in 1926, when the film was released in Germany. The adaptation and orchestration of the music when the film was re-launched at the Berlin Festival in 2005, on the 80th anniversary of the masterpiece by Eisenstein, are by Helmut Imig. The Jazz Sinfônica was founded by Arrigo Barnabé and Eduardo Gudin in April, 1990. The orchestra is outstanding in Brazil for its originality and versatility, and for the fact it enchants a great variety of audiences with high level performances. Eighty-five musicians make up the orchestra - a perfect blend of a classical orchestra and a popular big band. The musicians include several names with a sound reputation as soloists or members of groups, both in popular and in classical music. The orchestra is conducted by João Maurício Galindo always ready to take on different forms of music with equal aplomb, never settling for one single type or style. The Jazz Sinfônica orchestra is one of the permanent features of the Tom Jobim Musical Education Center directed by Clodoaldo Medina and associated to the State Department of Culture. The orchestra plays a fundamental role in recovering the tradition of the large popular orchestras and is in a prominent position on the Brazilian musical scenario.

Título original: Bronenosets Potyomkin

Ano: 1925

Duração: 75 minutos

Cor: p&b, 35mm


Roteiro: Nina Agadzhanova

Fotografia: Vladimir Popov, Eduard Tisse

Elenco: Aleksandr Antonov, Vladimir Barsky, Grigori Aleksandrov,Ivan Bobrov, Mikhail Gomorov, Aleksandr Levshin.

Produtor: Jacob Bliokh

Edições: 29