A perfect summer day ends in tragedy, weaving a cosmic connection between three suburban teenagers. Best friends Colton and Kyle float the river, trade dreams, and spray-paint in the local ravine. Like the boys, Whitney explores the ravine, seeking solace by writing and drawing in her diary. But when her best friend abandons her, Whitney disappears. The discovery of Whitney’s diary transports us to a diferent world.
Presented at Venice Days section at Venice Film Festival and at Toronto Film Festival.
Título original: The Maiden
Ano: 2022
Classificação: 16
Duração: 117 min.
Gênero: Fiction
País: Canada
Tags: Canada, maturing, friendship, youth, fantasy, international festivals
Cor: Cor
Direção: Graham Foy
Roteiro: Graham Foy
Fotografia: Kelly Jeffrey
Montagem: Brendan Mills
Elenco: Jackson Sluiter, Marcel T Jiménez, Hayley Ness, Kaleb Blough, Siena Yee
Produtor: Daiva Žalnieriunas, Dan Montgomery
Produção: FF Films Inc, MDFF
World Sales: Celluloid Dreams
E-mail: [email protected]
Edições: 46