
The Last Atomic Bomb (2005)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

On August 9, 1945, a B-29 bomber flew over the town of Nagasaki several times before an opening in the clouds would allow a bomb to be dropped, of 4,500 kg and force equal to 22 tons of TNT. Less than 30 seconds after the explosion, some 39 thousand people had died. Those who did not die at the instant of the explosion were victim later to radiation and met with slow, painful deaths. Even today, those who survived still suffer the effects of contamination. The documentary outlines a profile of these survivors and shows the struggle on the part of university students today not to allow history to be forgotten. With the few who are still alive for a starting point, through the controversial decision on the part of the U.S. to resort to the bomb, and on to the accumulation of nuclear weapons during the Cold War, the film outlines a present-day panorama of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction worldwide.

Título original: The Last Atomic Bomb

Ano: 2005

Duração: 92 minutos

País: United States

Cor: color


Fotografia: Alan Jacobsen

Produtor: Robert Richter, Kathleen Sullivan

Música: Matt Hauser

Edições: 30