
Eduardo Brito
Eduardo Brito

Eduardo Brito

Born in Guimarães, Portugal, in 1977. Brito has a master’s degree in artistic studies from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, and a specialization in screenplay from the International School of Film and TV, in Cuba. Photographer, writer and filmmaker, he directed short movies like “Penúmbria” (2016), “Slope” (2019, 43rd Mostra) and “Lethes” (2021). “The Sibyl” is his first feature film.

Filmes já exibidos na mostra

  • SLOPE (43ª MOSTRA)
Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.