
Touch of Evil (1958)

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Sobre o filme

The 25th Mostra shows a new version of the classic Touch of Evil (1958), by Orson Welles, the previous version of which had been adulterated by Universal Pictures in the late fifties. At the time, the studio executives did not approve of the final result presented by Welles and re-wrote passages, filmed scenes over again (using assistant Harry Keller, who as from then co-signed the directing of the film) and re-edited the film, without Welles being there. Scenes with dialogs to explain what they considered was not clear were also inserted. The new version of Touch of Evil has gained 15 minutes in comparison with the former version. Welles could never understand why Universal turned against his film and, after he saw a copy edited for the second time, he wrote a 58-page letter, accepting some of the alterations, but asking that others be reconsidered. He was not heard, but 40 years later, Rick Schmidlin and Bob O`Neil found the letter and decided to re-edit the film in accordance to Welles? instructions, adding in the scenes that were in the Universal files. The new edition of Touch of Evil caters to all the recommendations made by Orson Welles that were not followed by the producers at the time the film was released in 1958. Touch of Evil begins with an assault that kills a millionaire on the borders of Mexico and the United States. Captain Hank Quinlan (Orson Welles) takes over the investigations. The bomb that was used in the crime, however, was set to go off in Mexican territory and, to avoid a diplomatic incident, influential investigator Miguel Vargas (Heston) decides to follow up on the case, much to the chagrin of xenophobe Quinlan, who does not "approve" of Mexicans. Quinlan soon arrives at a suspect, Mexican Sanchez who had secretly married the millionaire`s daughter with, therefore, more than sufficient reason to have committed the crime. The policeman “plants” two sticks of dynamite in the man’s apartment to incriminate him, which appals honest Vargas. Conflict is established between Quinlan and himself that eventually merges with the local mafia with intent to destroy his new enemy’s reputation.

Título original: Touch of Evil

Ano: 1958

Duração: 112 minutos

País: United States

Cor: preto-e-branco


Roteiro: Whit Masterson (autor do romance “Badge of Evil”), Paul Monash e Orson Welles

Fotografia: Russel Metty

Montagem: Edward Curtiss, Aaron Stell, Virgil Vogel e Walter Murch (nova versão)

Elenco: Orson Welles, Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, Joseph Cotten, Zsa Zsa Gabor

Produtor: Albert Zugsmith e Rick Schmidlin (nova versão)

Edições: 25