
Winds From Zero (2007)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

Based on the true story of one mother who changed the Japanese road traffic law in 2001 after collecting over 375,000 signatures for a petition. Just before starting his first semester at university, her son was run over by a car. The drunk driver was sentenced to a mere 5 years in prison, even though two boys were left dead and it was already the third serious car accident he caused. Still, this was the maximum penalty under the Japanese law at that time. The only thing that keeps the heroine going day in day out is her intense imagination as an artist and as a mother.

Título original: Winds From Zero

Ano: 2007

Duração: 111 minutos

País: Japan

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Itaru Era

Fotografia: Kenzo Okada

Elenco: Yoshiko Tanaka, Taiyo Sugiura, Kosuke Toyohara, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Tomorowo Taguchi

Produtor: Toshi Shoya

Música: Shiho Terada

Edições: 31