
Black Jesus (1968)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

A free adaptation to cinema of the biography of African politician Patrice Hemery Lumumba (1952-1961), a nationalist leader who became Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the short period between june and september 1960, but that was assassinated the following year subsequent to a political crisis. In the film Lumumba is given the name Lalubi. With all the makings of a black Christ, he is out to fight against the dictatorial regimes proposed by the Belgian colonizers in his country, but is to eventually be imprisoned, tortured, and killed. The film was given two other names in English: Seated at His Right and Super Brother.

Título original: Seduto Alla Sua Destra

Ano: 1968

País: Italy

Cor: Colorido


Elenco: Woody Strode (lalubi), Jean Servais (comandante), Franco Citti (Oreste), Píer Paolo Capponi (oficial)

Edições: 25

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