
Privé (2000)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

This documentary is an extremely personal vision of the renowned director Heddy Honigmann on the eighth commandment: “Thou shalt not steal”. Privé interviews thieves and victims on antagonic situations: “to steal” and “to be robbed”. From petty theft to violent hold-ups in public, from the disappearance of military personnel in Argentina to murders, the film exposes all of our vulnerability. The outcast portion of society fascinates the director, but his film also shows the noxious and cruel side of some hold-ups. Heddy goes beyond common sense and shows that we can be robbed not only of material goods, but that we can be robbed of everything else, such as our feeling of safety, our emotions, and even our lives. The fundamental motivation is our desire to possess and, therefore, at times, to take what does not belong to us. This film is part of The Ten Commanments produced by Paul de Bont.

Título original: Privé

Ano: 2000

Duração: 50 minutos

País: Netherlands

Cor: colorido


Roteiro: Heddy Honigmann

Montagem: Patrick Minks

Edições: 25