
The State of the World (2007)

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Six filmmakers, six looks over the world. Right on the crossing of this looks a place for reflection, dynamic and radically asking. It’s a place of a challenge for the future. If it’s true that they are six independent movies, each one with a lonely and personal glances, about diverse aspects of little parts of the world, it’s also true that the vision of its completive and of its crossing of looks results another metaphoric look, straighter prospective and universal, which keeps, inside itself, keys for the comprehension of nowadays world. Each of the six movies that form the feature has about 15 minutes. This is it: Luminous People – A group of people travel in a boat long the Mekong River, line between Thailand and Laos. They travel against the wind, to anticipate a good bye. In the middle of the way, the mother throws the mortal remains to the water; Germano – after long years of navigation over the beautiful, but dirty boat, Germano and his crew decide go fish on other waters. Although it’s a little boat, with no power motor, they go ahead high sea. During the dawn, the motor boat breaks up: it means that fate was signalizing the artisanal fishing would be no long. Germano doesn’t fall down, put one more time in the minds of the others that they are in Atlantic, and the sea, it’s in infinite. But, for an ironical of fate, right in the other day the guys are almost dropped by a gigantic petrol ship Russian; One Way – in the garage of a residential condominium, the doorman’s routine is conducted by the narrow of his travels from the high Nepal Mountains to the plateaus of Deccan, India; Brutality Factory – the modern China. In a sun day, in a civil construction land, an industrial land is to be dismantled. Night falls down. The ruins of the old factory are empty and silence. Ghosts come up, it’s possible to hear the voices who tell their histories…; Tarrafal – Tarrafal: place in Santiago Island, Green Handle, where, in 1936, Portugal constructed a penal colony for political prisoners. It’s usually known as "The Camp of Slowly Death"; Tombée de nuit sur Shangaï (Avril 2007) – More than sounds and more than images. No hierarquize. Mona Lisa side by side with a cartoon and, Chopin, with American music from 70s and 80s, it’s a kind of ambiguous pleasure.

Título original: O Estado Do Mundo

Ano: 2007

Duração: 105 minutos

País: Portugal

Cor: color e P&B, 35mm


Roteiro: Vários

Fotografia: Vários

Elenco: Vários

Produtor: Luís Correia

Música: Clay Kelton

Edições: 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31