
Soul’s Window (2001)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

“I asked God to let me be blind for some time, because there is so much that is bad that we can see, that our vision of things and of what we want to do in life is obscured.” This statement is from Hermeto Pascoal, one of the nineteen persons to whom the documentary Janela da Alma confers voice and soul, in answer to a request to talk about how they see themselves, how they see one another, and in what way they relate to the world. All have some degree of visual deficiency, in common, ranging from discrete myopia to total blindness: from Nobel Prize winner José Saramago to Councilman from Minas Arnaldo Godoy, German Director Win Wenders, neurologist Oliver Sachs and Franco-Slovene photographer Evgen Bavcar, who is completely blind. With humor and often poetry, they embark on personal, surprising, most revealing statements on divers aspects pertaining to a sense of vision.

Título original: Janela Da Alma

Ano: 2001

Duração: 73 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: colorido

Direção: WALTER CARVALHOJoão Jardim

Fotografia: Walter Carvalho

Montagem: Karen Harley

Produtor: Flávio R. Tambellini

Edições: 25, 25