
Pretend I’m Not Here (2000)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

Eric is a solitary, enigmatic teenager who spends a good deal of the time spying on his neighbors with a pair of binoculars. Closed to the world around him, he cannot bring himself to trusthis mother and awkward step-father. He, thus, takes refuge in a world of shadow and petty misdemeanors and faces the dilemmas of growing mature alone.Lost in a quandary of emotional conflict and doubt as to his own sexuality, he rebels against everything and against all. Things change with the arrival of a couple in the apartment facing, and that become the object of voyeurism to the youngster out for a thrill. Eric spends a great deal of the time spying on the amorous involvement of the couple with friends and guests to the parties at the apartment. He concomitantly endeavors to keep on dating a schoolmate, even though he is not sure what he feels for her. He is eventually involved with the couple and in a single night, he discovers passion, sex, and death - the catharsis of feelings and emotions with which he is learning to deal.

Título original: Faites Comme Si Je N’étais Pas Là

Ano: 2000

Duração: 101 minutos

País: Italy

Cor: colorido


Roteiro: Olivier Jahan, Michel C. Pouzol

Fotografia: Gilles Porte

Montagem: Nathalie Langlade

Elenco: Jérémie Renier, Aurore Clément, Johan Leysen, Emma de Caunes, Nathalie Richard, Sami Bouajila, Alexia Stresi, Pierre Berriau

Produtor: Jérôme Vidal

Edições: 24

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