"Shukichi and Tomiko, an ageing couple, decide to leave their quiet lives in the country and pay a visit to their children and grandchildren in Tokyo. Once there, they discover that neither their oldest son, a doctor named Koichi, nor their eldest daughter, beauty parlour owner Shigeko, have time for them. Even the youngest son went his own way. The two of them feel lonely and bewildered in the fast-paced metropolis. Director Yoji Yamada updates Yasujiro Ozu’s classic Tokyo Story (1953) to modern day Japan. "
Título original: Tokyo Kazoku
Ano: 2013
Classificação: General Audiences
Duração: 146 min.
Gênero: Fiction
País: Japan
Cor: cor
Direção: Yôji Yamada
Roteiro: Yôji Yamada, Emiko Hiramatsu
Fotografia: Masashi Chikamor
Montagem: Iwao Ishii
Elenco: Isao Hashizume, Kazuko Yoshiyuki, Satoshi Tsumabuki
Produtor: Hiroshi Fukasawa, Takashi Yajima
Produção: Shochiku
Música: Joe Hisaishi
World Sales: Shochiku
Distribuição: Esfera Filmes
E-mail: [email protected]
Edições: 37