
Cochochi (2007)

Poster do Filme

Sobre o filme

At the Sierra Tarahumara in northwest Mexico, two children are looking for a lost horse. It’ a subtle picture of the region’ indigenous people and their way of life, it almost feels like a register of real moments in the lives of the boys and the people they encounter. Brothers Evaristo and Tony have just graduated from the elementary school where they have been boarding. Evaristo enjoyed his studies and wants to continue learning Spanish. Tony, on the other hand, though very intelligent, prefers the traditional ways of his culture and would rather return home to work on the ranch where the boys grew up. Upon arriving at the ranch, the boys‚Äô grandfather sends them on an assignment to take medicine to a community in the Sierra. Tony borrows their grandfather’ horse without permission, making Evaristo, who does not want to upset his elders, very nervous. The boys choose a difficult path across the mountains and find themselves at a canyon they cannot cross. As they try to brainstorm a way out of the situation, they end up losing the horse and each other, and embark on separate adventures through the villages of the Sierra Tarahumara. The film won the Discovery Award at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival.

Título original: Cochochi

Ano: 2007

Duração: 87 minutos

País: Mexico

Cor: color, 35mm

Direção: Laura Amelia GuzmánIsrael Cárdenas

Roteiro: Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán

Fotografia: Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán

Elenco: Luis Antonio Lerma Batista,

Produtor: Pablo Cruz, Donald Ranvaud

Música: Israel Cárdenas

Edições: 31, 31