
Letters to God (2000)

Poster do Filme

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The first commandment (“Thy shalt have no other Gods before me”) has been adjusted to our times through the lens of renowned director Vuk Janic in broaching the issue: “Can it be that people, in spite of all to the contrary still believe in the existence of God?” The documentary presents three cases in different families. Each one has undergone a transforming experience as regards their children: a pregnancy awaited for so long and that finally comes to be, the sudden death of a child, and the impressive saving of a baby in danger. These are stories of hope and miracles, of loss and suffering that work deep changes in the lives of these people and that have changed the vision they had of God. In Letters to God, each of the couples decides to write a letter to the Lord, to bring forth their feelings of happiness, but also of anger, fear, and resentment. This film is part of the series The Ten Commandments, a concept by Producer Paul de Bont that includes the short films by the best directors of documentaries residing in Netherlands.

Título original: Brieven Aan God

Ano: 2000

Duração: 50 minutos

País: Netherlands

Cor: colorido

Direção: VUK JANIC

Roteiro: Vuk Janic

Fotografia: Gregor Meerman

Montagem: Jan Overweg, Jos Verduyn Lunel, Jac Verheul

Edições: 25